Tag Archives: Time


Prayer handsGod has given us a precious gift, which is irreplaceable and irreversible. TIME!  Because it’s always with us, we sometimes take it for granted, waste it or use it foolishly. What we do with TIME determines the direction and fruitfulness of our entire life. This amazing gift; it is our TIME!  All of us have been given 24 hours a day, which soon turns into weeks, months, years and eventually add up to a lifetime. The Lord has ordained the number of our days on this earth and we will all die at some point. Psalms 139:16.
We have the freedom to choose how to use our TIME. God desire that we would invest it in a manner that allows us to accomplish what He planned for us. To achieve this goal, we need a balanced schedule. Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men and women but be wise, making the most of your TIME on this earth. No one knows the day or the hour of when we must leave this earth. Understand now what the will of God is for your life. Clear here to reach out to me or other Pastors for guidance.
Another minute gone forever, how did you spend it?  Pastor Maggie Campbell


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